
  • 5 Subjects

    Junior Pilot Programme

    Welcome to the Junior Pilot Programme! Are you interested in becoming a pilot but want to have a small taste of flying through the clouds before committing full-time? With professional guidance from trained instructors in the aviation industry, you will be able to do just that! In just less than 100 hours, you will be introduced to the basics of flying concepts as well as having the opportunity to soar in the skies in our certificated aircrafts. Join us now and experience the world from an aviator’s point of view!

  • 5 Subjects

    Junior Pilot Programme + Individual Flying Experience

    Welcome to the Junior Pilot Programme! Are you interested in becoming a pilot but want to have a small taste of flying through the clouds before committing full-time? With professional guidance from trained instructors in the aviation industry, you will be able to do just that! In just less than 100 hours, you will be introduced to the basics of flying concepts as well as having the opportunity to soar in the skies in our certificated aircrafts. Join us now and experience the world from an aviator’s point of view!

  • 3 Subjects

    Professional Programme in Fundamentals of Gaming & Esports

    This programme aims to equip the student with fundamental practical knowledge about the gaming and esports industries. The student is introduced to three main career fields, namely professional gaming, esports management, and game development. With behind-the-scenes insight from experienced industry leaders, the courses are designed to empower the student to make an informed decision regarding future career opportunities that offer much potential globally.

  • 1 Subject


    Python is a popular, high-level programming language known for its simplicity and ease of use. It is widely used in a variety of fields such as data science, web development, and automation. In this introductory Python coding course, you will learn the basics of programming in Python, including data types, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. You will also explore libraries and modules commonly used in Python for data analysis, web development, and other applications. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge to write simple programs in Python and be ready to continue your learning journey in this versatile language.

  • 12 Subjects

    Victoria Supermodel Fat Loss and Shaping Ultimate Lesson – 維多利亞超模減脂塑形終極大課

    每天20分鐘-形體芭蕾、有氧操、普拉提 瑜伽 給你超模般優雅曲線 【師資介紹】 Rosie 郭若曦老師 國際名模、維密超模雎曉雯私人塑形教練 Practice Yoga Studio (USA) 培訓導師 每日瑜珈Daily Yoga 線上女神養成營總教練 University of Dayton 健康與運動專業學士 Cassie 樊美婷老師 全國大學生比基尼小姐冠軍 全國大學生排舞教練員&裁判員 瑜珈樂園簽約有氧操課教練 榮獲2017年全國大學生健康活力大賽排舞第一名
  • 1 Subject

    Youth Life Management Course

    For 15-18 years old.
    Learn the octopus lifestyle, manage your life with skills & wisdoms!